Our vision is to share the stories of people in reentry and recovery as well as other influential voices to inspire justice reform and to bring more monetary resources to support individuals in this realm. When people’s struggles are different than ours it’s easy to see them as “other” or as some sort of creature. But if we’d only listen to their story maybe we could see that they’re not much different than us. We are all human and fighting our own battles.


“To provide supportive housing, peer-support, and recovery case management, addressing the needs of persons involved in the criminal justice system or otherwise who have SUD or MH issues with a place and a direction.”

Ananeo Mission Statement

Our Vision : A Fresh Start

Ananeo means to renew. Ananeo spaces provide a fresh start in life for community members restoring and redeeming their story. By providing top of the line community apartments alongside a continuum of resources and care, Ananeo believes anyone can start over and build a life worth living. Sometimes we must see it in our surroundings before we believe it in our hearts. Ananeo seeks to ensure every human being, regardless of their past, receives the dignity and opportunity that they deserve.

About Ananeo

For many, the path to re-entry & recovery may seem more daunting than staying in prison. Although this can be a legitimate feeling, prison is not home, and nor should it ever have to be. The effort towards a successful, substance-free life after prison brings forth a whirlwind of emotions and difficult questions, but at Ananeo we believe that one question no one should face on this journey is where to call home.

Ananeo works to reduce recidivism rates in Colorado by providing stable living spaces, profound resources, and pro-social opportunities. With affordable services, clients are provided a start with short term opportunities designed to foster the potential for finding long term stability and reintegration.

Our Programming

Our structured approach combines reentry & recovery housing with in-person, needs-specific programming lead by expereinced professionals. These programs include sessions focued on such issues as Community Reintegration, Financial Literacy, and Relapse Prevention.


  • Our facilities are located in Jefferson County (ASO 6), Arapahoe County (ASO 3), and Denver (ASO 2); However, Ananeo accepts clients from all counties in Colorado. The individuals served are primarily referred from DOC, Parole, from Department of Human Services for Competency Housing by Forensic Navigators, other sober living organizations seeking additional structure for their clients, and from other organizations serving specialized needs of various at risk populations and who require a partner who can provide a suitable housing platform for their clients. In addition to Jefferson, Arapahoe, and Denver, we regularly have individuals who come to us from the following counties: Wield (ASO ), Larimer (ASO ), Summit (ASO ), Adams (ASO ), Las Animas (ASO ), Grand (ASO ), Boulder (ASO ), and Freemont (ASO ), and we are willing to work with other counties as well if requested. It is up to the referring agency or organization to determine if Ananeo’s geographic location is the right fit for them. We have the ability to support clients with virtual meetings if their jurisdiction will allow them to participate remotely, but ultimately that is a case manager, navigator, or court’s determination. Ananeo is open to house any client that requires our services regardless of their referring location as long as they are committed to their own recovery and reentry. Many of our clients transfer to our location from further away counties for support and structure at this stage of their recovery, restoration, and/or reentry.

  • Ananeo is a CARR Affiliate. Our housing programs are CARR Level 3 certified Recovery Residences. Ananeo's Executive Team has worked extensively with CARR, including as credited editors in CARR's 2022 Guidebook and Best Practices. Learn more here.

  • Equity, diversity, and inclusive responsiveness to diverse cultural beliefs and practices are hallmarks of any successful behavioral health project or organization. Indeed, they are markers of health in any community. Ananeo recognizes that our clients come to us in many cases directly from environments in which such inclusion has not been a priority (for example the prison system), and we take seriously the charge to respect and encourage every client in a person-centered way. Coming directly from prison in many cases, the mindset that many of our clients have been conditioned to before coming to us is one of cultural intolerance and racially segregated ideas of community. Over one third of Ananeo Clients enter our program with a declared gang affiliation. We are very aware of this and intentionally require our Clients to challenge and break down these mindsets in their everyday interactions in the residences and through work with their peer coaches. At Ananeo we have zero tolerance for intolerance. Part of how we face these challenges is by having a diverse team of peer coaches who have lived experience in both reentry and recovery, who work together as a team to demonstrate cooperation across diverse cultural backgrounds and beliefs.

Get in touch.